Tired of Evaluating Session Submissions Manually?
Call for Papers and Session Evaluation
Streamline Submissions with the EventKaddy Call for Papers and Session Evaluation Tool!
Manually managing your call for papers?
If so, you know it’s a tedious and error-prone process. Our dedicated tool automates the submission process, making it easier for potential speakers and presenters to submit their proposals in a structured manner. This not only lightens your workload but also ensures that all information is collected smoothly and consistently.
Need transparent evaluation criteria?
With our session evaluation tool, you can establish transparent criteria and rubrics for assessing proposals. This promotes fairness and objectivity in decision-making by evaluating all submissions against the same standards.
Review process overwhelming?
Reviewing and selecting proposals manually can be overwhelming. Our dedicated tool offers a centralized platform for evaluating submissions, allowing you to manage the process with ease and efficiency.
Can’t keep up with all the emails?
No more time-consuming manual communication! With our tool, effortlessly connect with potential speakers and reviewers. Enjoy automated notifications and reminders that keep everyone informed about submission deadlines, review tasks, and selection results.
Need more insight?
Our dedicated tool gathers data on submissions, evaluations, and selections. Analyze this data to uncover trends, preferences, and areas for improvement, empowering you to make data-driven decisions.

Streamline your submission process, enhance speaker engagement, and ultimately create a more successful and rewarding event for all involved!
A user-friendly interface for submitting proposals makes it easy for speakers to submit their abstracts, papers, or session proposals
Features such as file uploads, autofill, and progress indicators streamline the submission process
Custom submission forms ensures that you gather all the necessary information from speakers, such as session titles, abstracts, bios, and keywords
Our peer review system lets you assign session managers to specific session proposals
Custom rubrics and surveys allow those managers to evaluate submissions based on predefined criteria, such as clarity, creativity and learning impact
The session evaluations can be downloaded and analyzed, ensuring a fair and transparent selection process
Once sessions are accepted they are automatically included in our Content Management System (CMS)
There, you can assign time slots and create the event agenda
Speakers have visibility into their scheduled times, allowing them to plan accordingly and confirm their availability
Speakers can create their profiles by uploading bios, photos, and affiliations through our dedicated Speaker Portal
Automatic email notifications can confirm submission receipt, remind speakers of important deadlines, and notify them of acceptance or rejection
A proactive approach, it minimizes confusion and ensures that speakers remain engaged and informed
Reporting tools are included that track submission metrics, session reviews, and other relevant data
A data-driven approach helps you make informed decisions and measure the impact of your efforts
All session and speaker information is integrated into the EventKaddy Content Management System (CMS)
Integrated with our speaker portal, with additional tools available
Integration streamlines workflows and provides a seamless experience for both you and your speakers